Affiliate Application

Returning Users 


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Please login to finish an application that you may have started but not completed. If you would like to start a new application, please create an account in the area provided below.


New Users 
Please complete the following information to start your application to be a Moving Insurance Affiliate.

If your account is subject to an Application Fee, a non-refundable processing fee of $50.00 will be charged when you apply. Your company will be reviewed by our compliance department to determine if you meet our underwriting requirements.

We use any information provided ONLY to create an account for you. This account will allow you to login and complete the application whenever it is convenient for you. Should you become a Moving Insurance Affiliate, this username and password will allow you to review your company profile, view policies registered with your company, and do other administrative tasks.

* Fields are Required

* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Email Address:
* Choose a Username:
* Choose a Password:
 (10 characters or less)
* Re-enter Password:  (10 characters or less)
Please note that the information you provide is confidential. We do not sell or rent any of the information you enter during this application. Click here to read our Privacy Policy.
Most accidents occur when you least expect them or when you're not covered for them.

Certified Affiliate Program

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Moving Insurance, LLC is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review.